IBS Awareness Month
Welcome to IBS awareness month! Throughout the month of April we’ll be discussing all things IBS, shame-free, to spread awareness around this very real condition that not many truly understand. Come along for the ride and keep reading as we focus in on IBS, the causes, and treatment options available.
First and foremost, IBS is a very real condition that often gets dismissed or misunderstood by friends, family and healthcare professionals. If you’re an IBS sufferer, just know that you’re not alone on this journey. In fact, 30% of the entire adult population worldwide suffer from IBS.
So, what is it exactly? IBS is a condition that affects the large intestine and symptoms include abdominal pain, cramping, bloating, diarrhoea and constipation. Many of these symptoms can be misunderstood or misdiagnosed, which leaves many sufferers undiagnosed and unaware of how they can better manage this condition.
Unfortunately, IBS is quite complex and researchers haven’t been able to directly pin-point one main cause of the condition but the latest research shows that it is a disorder of the gut-brain axis. Simply put, this means that communication between the gut and brain is out of whack, creating an overly-sensitive intestine, leading to exaggerated responses to fluctuating hormones, food, drinks, and medication.
IBS with Constipation (IBS-C):
is characterised by hard, dry stools and constipation more than 25% of the time.
IBS with Diarrhea (IBS-D):
is characterised by loose, watery stools and diarrhoea more than 25% of the time.
Mixed IBS (IBS-M):
This type has features of both IBS-C and IBS-D. People who experience this type of IBS have both hard and lumpy bowel movements and loose and watery movements on the same day.
There is no single cause of IBS; rather, there are factors that increase your risk. These risks include gut infections, food poisoning, travellers' diarrhoea, anxiety, depression, and chronic stress. These things can make your gut more compromised and sensitive and therefore more likely to develop IBS symptoms. A recent study done in 2021 showed that long term or recurrent courses of antibiotics as children may also play a factor in developing IBS as an adult, as well as those who have had appendix or gallbladder removal being more at risk as well.
- Abdominal discomfort
- Cramping
- Bloating
- Gassiness
- Diarrhoea/constipation or both
- Changes in bowel movements and how often they occur
Unfortunately, symptoms can flare up at any point, as IBS is a very unpredictable condition. IBS symptoms can worsen when sleep is poor, stress is high, and junk food & alcohol is in excess.
Unfortunately, three out of every ten people will suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Australia and one out of ten people worldwide. Furthermore, women are more likely to suffer from IBS than men. Research shows that the reason for this is due to different brain chemistry and fluctuating hormones.
There is no known cure for IBS; however, there are treatments that can help lessen the symptoms. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all treatment for IBS, as the condition can vary from person to person. However, a few treatment options are available, including dietary & lifestyle changes, herbal vitamins & supplements, and probiotics.
Here's our top tips for managing and improving your symptoms:
1. Dietary changes: Certain dietary changes, such as avoiding
trigger foods and following a low FODMAP diet for a period of time, may help alleviate IBS symptoms. We don't recommend restricting multiple foods from your diet without the guidance of a healthcare professional as this can do more harm than good over time.
2. Stress management: Stress and anxiety can trigger or worsen IBS
symptoms, so practicing stress management techniques such as
exercise, meditation, or deep breathing can be helpful. Try and implement this as a daily practice, starting with 5 minutes per day and work your way up from there. IBS is primarily a dysfunction of the gut-brain-axis, so this will help immensely.
3. Regular exercise: Regular physical activity, such as walking,
running, or yoga, can help alleviate stress and improve bowel
4. Mind-body therapies: Mind-body therapies, such as cognitive
behavioural therapy (CBT) or hypnotherapy, may help manage
stress and anxiety and improve IBS symptoms. Journaling can also be a great way to get your thoughts out onto paper and reduce anxiety/stress/overwhelm.
5. Adequate hydration: Drinking enough water and staying hydrated
can help regulate bowel function and prevent constipation, which can lead to exacerbated IBS symptoms.
6.Medications: Over-the-counter medications, such as antidiarrheals
or laxatives, prescription medications such as antispasmodics or antidepressants, may also help to curb the severity of your IBS symptoms but unfortunately they don't target the root cause. It is not recommended to rely on these medications but rather take them for a period of time if required, whilst making dietary and lifestyle changes for long-term symptom management.
So, How do we come into this?
Our Award Winning Inside and Out Gut program contains clinically trialled
probiotic Bacillus Coagulans that has been shown to reduce the symptoms
of IBS. Bacillus Coagulans is a type of good bacteria aka a probiotic. For
best results, we recommend doing the 60-day Inside and Out Gut Program
followed by a daily Gut Maintain tablet.
If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, please consult your doctor. It is important to get a diagnosis and start treatment as soon as possible to alleviate discomfort and improve quality of life. If you are struggling to receive a diagnosis from your GP but you believe you have symptoms of IBS then it may be worth seeking advice from a naturopath or nutritionist.
If you know a friend or family member with IBS, please spread the word! This condition can affect anyone at any point in their life, so it’s super important to share this knowledge and education with not only those who need it now, but those who may need it in the future as well.
For more information and resources to raise the visibility of IBS in your community, please visit the website: https://aboutibs.org